cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Dec 18, 2010 20:44
shipping: sierra/victor, oh topher: do i sense sparks of morality, sierra: is that real?, icu: gettin' teary-eyed, ohmydoll: i just wanna hug you, expression: hurt, sierra's imprint: priya tsetsang, icu: havin' a hard time, type: quotes, type: picspam, type: wallpaper, location: atrium, geek: topher brink, ep: 2x04 belonging, doll: sierra, doll: victor, expression: broken-hearted, location: topher's lab, season: 2
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Aug 22, 2010 17:15
november: why doesn't he love me?, doll: november, expression: broken-hearted, expression: sad, november's imprint: mellie, season: 1, ep: 1x11 briar rose
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Aug 16, 2010 18:37
whiskey's imprint: dr. claire saunders, damn!: tragic love story ahead!, shipping: claire/boyd, bamf: boyd, handler: boyd langton, season: 1, expression: sad, icu: havin' a hard time, whiskey: iz crying her heart out, type: quotes, type: picspam, location: dr. saunders' office, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, doll: whiskey, expression: broken-hearted, boyd: i'll be okay
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jun 24, 2010 19:19
topher: i'm so sorry, type: picspam, type: quotes, geek: topher brink, type: video, sierra: lives in a nightmare, ep: 2x04 belonging, ohmydoll: i just wanna hug you, doll: sierra, expression: hurt, expression: broken-hearted, season: 2, location: topher's lab, sierra's imprint: priya tsetsang, expression: sad